How Much CBD Should You Take? Unravelling The Mystery

How Much CBD Should You Take? Unravelling The Mystery

Over recent years, CBD has rapidly risen in popularity. As more people explore its potential benefits, a pressing question emerges: "How much CBD should I take?" Determining the right dosage is important, not just for maximising benefits but also for ensuring safety.

In this guide, we'll help you navigate the world of CBD dosing, ensuring you find a balance that's both effective and safe.

Why Does Dosage Matter?

As we mentioned, finding the right CBD dosage isn't just about getting the most out of its benefits; it's also about ensuring you're taking it safely. Just as with any supplement or remedy, the amount you consume plays a pivotal role in its effectiveness.

But here's the catch: there's no one-size-fits-all answer. Each of us is unique, and our bodies can react differently to CBD. Some might feel the desired effects with just a small dose, while others may need a bit more. Recognising this variability is key to tailoring a dosage that's both safe and beneficial for you.

Ultimately, CBD is widely considered to be very safe. The World Health Organisation has even gone on record to say that “CBD is generally well tolerated with a good safety profile.” Still, because CBD is relatively new, there’s always the potential for negative side effects when taking it – especially if you take too much.

Key Factors Determining CBD Dosage

When it comes to CBD, there isn't a universal dosage that works for everyone. Several factors come into play, determining how much you should take. Let's delve into these:

  • Individual Needs: Your reason for turning to CBD plays a significant role in dosage. If you're seeking pain relief, you might require a different amount compared to someone using CBD for anxiety reduction.
  • Physiological Factors: We're all unique, and our bodies process CBD differently. Factors like age, metabolism, and body weight can influence how CBD interacts with our system. For instance, a younger person with a faster metabolism might process CBD quicker than an older individual. Similarly, body weight can impact how much CBD is needed to achieve the desired effects.
  • CBD Product Type: Not all CBD products are created equal. There are isolates, which contain only CBD. Then there's broad-spectrum CBD, which includes various cannabis compounds. And finally, full-spectrum CBD, which contains all the natural compounds, including a trace amount of THC.
Recent Study Insights

One of the most frequently asked questions about CBD is, "How many mg of CBD should I take?”

When this blog was written, neither the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) nor the Food Standards Agency (FSA) had established a recommended daily intake for CBD, indicating that there isn't an officially endorsed serving size for CBD.

In light of recent insights from the government's Committee on Toxicity (COT), the FSA advises that CBD intake for a healthy adult should not exceed 70mg per day.

Interestingly, recent research has shed light on the optimal CBD dosages, offering clarity in a field with varied recommendations. The study's overall findings suggest that a dosage ranging from 100-160 mg per day is safe for most healthy adults. For those expecting or nursing, the guidelines are more conservative. The study recommends a maximum dose of 70 mg per day to ensure safety for both mother and child. However, it’s important to note that this is a very recent study and as yet, has not been recognised or reviewed by the MHRA, FSA or COT.

What is Safe for a Beginner?

If you're new to CBD, it's essential to tread with caution. While the study provides guidelines for the general population, beginners should consider starting with a lower dose to gauge their body's response before gradually increasing it.

So, as a beginner, how can you navigate this journey confidently? Let's dive into some practical tips to help you start on the right foot.

Tips For Beginners
  • Start with the Lowest Dose

It's always best to start with the smallest recommended dose. This allows you to observe how your body reacts and minimises the risk of any potential side effects.

  • Keep Track of Your Body's Response

Keep a record of your dosages, timings, and any effects or changes you notice. This can be invaluable in tracking your progress and making informed adjustments.

  • Avoid Mixing with Other Medications

If you're on any medications, consult with a healthcare professional or your GP before starting CBD. They can guide and advise on any potential interactions with prescribed medicines.

  • Seek Expert Guidance

While many find their perfect dosage through trial and error, there's no substitute for professional advice. Healthcare professionals can provide insights tailored to your specific needs and conditions.

Possible Side Effects

While CBD is generally well-tolerated, some individuals might experience side effects. Common ones include dry mouth, dizziness, nausea and changes in appetite. 

It's essential to listen to your body and consult a healthcare professional if you're unsure or experience any discomfort. If you do experience any of the side effects of CBD, it is best to decrease the amount of CBD you are taking, change the type of CBD or CBD product or stop taking CBD altogether.

Embarking on your CBD journey can be both exciting and a tad overwhelming. But with the right knowledge and a cautious approach, you can harness the potential benefits this natural remedy offers.

Ready to explore? Dive into our range of high-quality CBD products and kickstart your wellness journey with curiosity and confidence.

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